

Heavy Duty Plumbing services our repeat Client base from concept to completion.
From Hydraulic Design & Estimating, to the installation and ongoing services to the building occupier.
We have the experience & financial strength to deliver hydraulic service contracts up to $3 million.


We have a broad range of experience across the following sectors:

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Hospitality & Pubs
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Private and Government Healthcare
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Industrial Warehousing
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Supermarkets and Neighbourhood Shopping Centres
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Food Processing & Manufacturing
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Aged Care
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DfMA / Modular Solutions

Our Services Include:

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Authority connection approvals
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Potable Water Services
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Rainwater Services
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Recycled Water Services
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Sewer Drainage
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Stormwater Drainage
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Tradewaste Drainage
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Grease arrestors
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Subsoil Drainage systems
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Siphonic Stormwater
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Fire Hydrant Services
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Fire Hose Reel service
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Pressure Boosting Pumps
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Sewerage & Stormwater Pump Out stations
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Natural Gas Services
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LP Gas Services
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Lab (RO) Water Services
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Backflow Prevention Devices
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Thermostatic Mixing Valves
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Filtration systems
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Fire Hydrant & Fire Hose reel flow testing
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Water quality testing